【高校生~大学生向け】Learning Japanese through osmosis 使ってわかる!日本語講座


( Japanese follows English. / 日本語は英語の後に書いてあります。)

Learning a language through active use can truly connect knowledge to practicality. This session offers a place to gain more knowledge just by participating and a place to practice your ability.

This session provides a unique opportunity to improve and learn Japanese through “osmosis”. Learning Japanese will feel effortless and natural, as you gain a holistic grasp of the structure of the language.

When learning a foreign language, it is crucial to maintain the level of input and output of information.

For input, we will go through common, realistic conversations by reading and listening for comprehension. Then, for output, we will have an open discussion for questions and ideas based on the information, through speaking and writing. By practicing all four fundamental skills in language, this session aims to expand and deepen your understanding on Japanese grammar, vocabulary and culture.

The session will mainly be conducted in Japanese, but English may also be used when necessary.

Recommended for those who want to do the following (Join us♪):

– For beginners and intermediate learners

– For those who want to improve conversational skills and become more natural at speaking Japanese

Introduction of Teacher:

Ms. Minami Kimura

I grew up in Indonesia from the age of 4 until graduating High school.
After graduating university in Tokyo, I obtained a master degree in pharmaceutical life sciences.
I then began my PhD candidacy; however, it is currently on hold as I joined another research team for technical assistance.

<Curriculum Vitae>
1. I worked as a bilingual instructor at one of the main preparatory school (Juku) in Tokyo for 7 years. There I have taught English to Japanese students ranging from primary school to university.
2. I am currently a part of a neuroscience research team in a national research institution.

What the teacher is trying:

The key feature of this session is “osmosis”.

Osmosis is a process where water molecules move on its own from a concentrated area to a less concentrated area. Just like this, I hope the concepts of Japanese will find its way through to your understanding of it. That is why I aim to create a natural environment to practice and let the Japanese seep through. It will be fun and completely effortless!

Not only will we discuss grammar and technical aspects, but also individual questions and unique expressions that you may hear on a day to day basis. Through this, I hope to be able to share the background and cultural influences that helped shape our language as it is today.

Teacher’s Message:

I find every language to be unique and strange (in a good way) because it strongly reflects the country’s culture and history. I would like to help provide a place where you can fully enjoy and dive deep into the uniqueness of Japanese.

I hope to see you soon!


Learning a language through active use can truly connect knowledge to practicality. This session offers a place to gain more knowledge just by participating and a place to practice your ability.

本講座に参加することにより、自然と “osmosis” のように日本語が浸透し、表現力や発音など日常的に活用できる日本語を習得することを目的としています。





  • 日本に来て間もないが、既に日本語を少し学習している方(独学・授業のどちらでも構いません)
  • 日本語での日常会話をもう少し自然に話すことを目指している方





– 英語4技能 (Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing) の習得
– TOEFL、SAT、IB (International Baccalaureate)、英検の対策
– 中高生の帰国子女受験 (面接練習含む)
– 海外留学準備講座
– Math, Science 等、海外授業の補助

② 現在は国立開発研究法人にて、基礎生物学の研究系の仕事に従事しております。

– TOEFL iBT 113点
– TOEIC 990点
– SAT (旧) や IB (International Baccalaureate) を取得しています。


キーワードは “osmosis” です。







定員4 名(定員になり次第、受付終了となります。)
受講料(税込)1名2,000 円、2名様以上申込み時は1名1,800 円
〒103-0007 東京中央区日本橋浜町1丁目12-9 日本橋浜町ビル8F